Vw Corrado G60

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I'm selling the Corrado, please see my FaceCrook post.

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Here is a guide on how to change the front brake pads on your Volkswagen Corrado G60. If you have any questions you can leave a comment .

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With spirited driving of a modified and tuned Corrado G60, you can go through front brake pads quite quickly. Gladly there are still some good brake pad manufacturers supplying products for the Corrado. In this guide Pagid fast road pads were used which are no longer available.

The brake pads I currently use and recommend are the EBC green stuff, they give an assured feel both hot and cold but from what I've found, tend to give off a similar amount of brake dust. Not a major issue.

NOTE: Always ensure your Corrado is securely placed on axle stands, with added protection from wheels or similar placed under the floor.
BUY: Corrado G60 Brake Pads

Tools and parts required

Tools required

  • 13mm Spanner
  • 15mm Spanner
  • Gland pliers
  • Torque wrench (Recommended)

Parts required

  • Brake cleaner spray (Optional)
  • Brake caliper retaining bolts (Vw part: N01 024 124)
  • Brake pads (EBC green stuff recommended)
  • Copper grease

Change Your Front Brake Pads

  • Open your bonnet and remove the white cap from the brake fluid reservoir. (Unscrew anti-clockwise).
  • Remove the two (One top/One bottom) 13mm retaining bolts for the caliper.
  • Undo the top and bottom caliper bolts
  • Remove the 13mm bolts by holding the inner most 15mm bolt with the appropriate spanner.
  • 15mm spanner to hold, 13mm to undo
  • Once the two 13mm bolts are removed you can now attempt to remove the brake caliper.
  • The caliper may be a little tight and need some persuasion by levering from top and bottom.
  • You can now remove the old pads and hope that they don't look like this. These were OEM brake pads removed after a spirited drive back from a rolling road day at Awesome GTI.
  • Remove the old brake pads
  • Before the new brake pads can be fitted, you need to retract the brake caliper piston. You can do this by strategically placing gland pliers as shown in the picture. Squeeze evenly until the piston is near flush with the seal.
  • Squeeze the caliper piston back
  • Seat the new brake against the brake disc and see if the caliper fits back over the pads and disc. If not then retract the piston a little more. Do not refit any bolts as yet.
  • Once the brake pads and caliper fit back nicely, remove any stickers from them and smear a little copper grease over the back of the pads.
  • Prepare new brake pads
  • Refit the brake pads and caliper.
  • Tighten the two 13mm bolts (35nm/26 ft-lb) along with a tiny spot of thread lock. Or ideally use new bolts. (Highly recommended Vw part number: N01 024 124)
  • Slowly pump the brake pedal a few times until the pedal becomes more firm.
  • Refit the brake fluid reservoir cap under the bonnet.

Last update: Mon, April 04. 2022
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I'm selling the Corrado, please see my FaceCrook post.

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Created 12th February 2005. 19y, 11m, 26d ago.
© to Neil Riley - All rights reserved.
Love you Dad x